We are premium partners with AdaniConnex Data Centres and bring a world-class reliability, security and platform with our partnership. With this, we also help companies comply with legal directives regarding data localization introduced by the Government of India, RBI and other institutions. All data centre solutions are state-of-the-art with excellent design, power back-up, and switchover modalities covering every event and eventuality.
THE NXTSERV also offers co-location and hosting services, services for DR and BCP, secure data backup and recovery.
This ensures customers have the following advantages:
- Quick scale up and down based on dynamic needs
- Improved IT asset utilization
- Unmatched flexibility
- Improved security
- No maintenance of systems
- Easy to manage private clouds as appropriate
- Compliance with data localization initiatives
- Active risk mitigation and seamless recovery in case of BCP and DR needs
- Amazing round the clock and round the year support